My Boyfriend, His Ideas and Seeds Planting

My boyfriend, Sunshine, and I learnt that whenever he wants me to accept some ideas of his, all he has to do is just “Plant his seed, sit back and do nothing at all but wait for it to grow” <– a common phrase I often use nowadays whenever he tries to convince me to do something he wants. We both know that most of the time, eventually, he would get his way and I would have already willingly convinced myself that his way is better.

First, planting a seed means to present the idea to me and make me curious about it. This can be done in a lot of ways: He can just show me what he is doing or tell me about it. If I did not have any reaction, he would “nudge” me and mention it a few more times. He would also try to clear my doubts and answer any questions I might have about the issue. He would then stop mentioning this idea at all after he feels that this has taken root in my mind.

In the second phase, he is out of the picture already because all that is needed for his idea to finally take place is all in my mind. Being a person who likes to daydream, fantasize about fairy tale-like endings and someone who overthinks things, I would then ponder over the idea he mentioned: “Is this really better?”, “Hmm… this does sound plausible…”, and “What if we really follow and do what he suggested?” etc. The seed that he planted is slowly growing roots and taking form in my mind already.

Lastly, when he brings that idea up again or when I give him my feedback or thoughts about the issue, the seed would most likely have already grown, blossomed and bear fruits. Sometimes, the extent to which the seed has progressed would scare him a little as well. He just did not expect the impact of my overthinking to be so big. Haha. An example of him planting seeds in my mind is the application of a flat together.

Seeds planting - 开花结果
Seeds planting – 开花结果

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