Sunshine and I did not manage to celebrate the end of 2017 with my family last year cos we were away on our honeymoon. This year, I organised for the year end gathering to be at our place! This time round, we also asked Sunshine’s family over as well. This was not the first time we had any gatherings at our place. Previously, we always ordered pizza for simplicity’s sake. However, this year, I wanted to save some money (the pizzas themselves already add up to about $200+. *faints!*) and I thought preparing our own food would be cheaper. Lol.
Sunshine bought a bottle of truffle oil from his work trip to Europe earlier this year but so far, the food that I have tried to cook using the truffle oil somehow just did not taste of truffle oil and well, were not delicious at all. Hence, for this gathering, I asked my brother to help me use the oil (a small bottle costs $60-$70 sgd) for some pasta. I would cook a soup and air-fry fried stuffs. Dessert would be a store-bought cake. I thought this sounded like a perfect plan! =p My brother’s girlfriend, however, wanted to bake pizza instead of making pasta. Hence, I bought ingredients for pizza instead. For the soup, I was actually deliberating between cream of mushroom soup or to have clam chowder. However, as Sunshine’s sister does not take clams (and a lot of stuffs), I opted for the safer mushroom option.
Look at the number of pizzas prepared! There were a total of seven pizzas! My brother’s girlfriend also baked a cheesecake for dessert (though I have already told my brother that I have ordered a log cake for the occasion =.=”). My grandma’s food is in the bottom left of the picture. My father had to buy some soupy stuffs for her as she does not like pizza. She did drink my soup though! 😀
We also had our yearly tradition of exchanging a gift item (food) costing between $5-$10 for the “kids”.
Yay! Happy times spent with family! We look forward to a better 2019. Blessed 2019 to all as well 🙂