My father reminded me that it is 冬至, also known as Winter Solstice Festival, today. It is the first time Sunshine and I are spending this festival together as husband and wife in Sg (we were overseas last year). As it is a time for the family to get together and enjoy 汤圆/ glutinous rice balls, my father asked me to cook some 汤圆 to eat with Sunshine.
Hence, we bought one packet of 汤圆 late last night just before reaching home. Though I wanted to buy peanut soup to be cooked together with the 汤圆, I realised that the peanut soup was out of stock! Omg! It did not occur to me that 冬至 would be such a big event in Singapore that the peanut soup would be out of stock sia!
Sunshine then told me that actually, he likes his 汤圆 without soup, but coated with peanuts! I have never heard of such a method of eating 汤圆 before. It is as though one is eating muah chee. As I was expressing my incredulity at such a method of eating 汤圆, I saw packets of ground peanut being sold in the supermarket as well! Thankfully, the packet of 汤圆 we bought came with a complimentary packet of peanuts! Yay! We did not have to buy one big packets of peanuts just for the two of us.
Did you know? My father said that though 冬至 is a Chinese Festival, it usually falls on Dec 22. I checked Wiki and it indeed mentions that 冬至 usually occurs anytime between Dec 21 to Dec 23. In fact, all the 冬至 from 2017 to 2019 was/would be on Dec 22! Wow… I learnt something new today 🙂
Edit – Note to self: Both Sunshine and I cannot taste much of the peanut in the 汤圆 itself. Shall find another one with more filling and with complimentary peanuts the next time 🙂