Previously, I made some almond florentine cookies (Recipe here) and gave some of them to my ex-colleagues whom I was going to meet in a long long time. Little did I expect that they finished that one whole container of almond florentine in one sitting and that one of them actually asked if I sell them! Wow! I was very surprised as that was the first time anyone wanted to buy my bakes. She said she was interested in buying a container from me. Furthermore, she specified that she wants a bigger container, not the standard small container which I gave them. Haha. I was very pleasantly surprised and flattered. In the end, she even asked around (there were 3-4 of them) and another of my ex-colleague said she wants to buy a container from me as well. *happy!*
I shared this piece of news with my parents excitedly after reaching home but my father was slightly concerned. He was afraid that if I charged too cheaply, I would just be wasting my time, effort and money. If I charged too high a price, my ex-colleagues would complain (behind my back?) that I charge too expensively. He said it is difficult to charge my relatives and friends because of this. Hmm… this got me thinking… how much should I charge for the almond fluorentine cookies then…? (Read Part II here)