The results of Sale of Balance Flat for November 2015 was finally released on 24 February 2016, after a torturing three months’ wait! Similar to the two other flat applications Sunshine and I submitted previously, our queue number is >100 again this time round. I was praying that we would finally get a number below 50 or even below 99 for a change. Oh well! The only difference is that, this time, our balloted queue number is smaller than the total number of flats available for selection! (Well, we already knew this beforehand as the number of applicants < number of flats available: 321 vs 392). Once again, Sunshine said that we were considered very lucky already as our number could have been 300+ instead. After pondering about this, I sort of agreed with him though I still wish that we could have gotten a smaller number. Haha. Now, the waiting game starts again as flat selection for Sembawang only starts in June ie. it will be a FOUR MONTHS’ WAIT! Haiz… *big sigh*
Nevertheless, Sembawang Canberra, here we come! Hopefully, by the time we get to choose, our choice units would still be available!!! *pray hard*